PubbyNeo Commission Sheet


Please read the TOS and pricing!

Terms Of Service

I require all payment upfront before starting a commission. After receiving payment, I will start your commission.•I accept ONLY Paypal and Venmo as payment. (Unless cash or card payment is given at convention)
• Refunds CAN be issued. However, if a commission is almost entirely finished by the time a refund is requested, I will refund what I deem acceptable, and what is finished of the commission will be sent to the recipient.
• Full refunds are applicable ONLY if commission is not yet started.
• Tips are appreciated, but not needed for a high quality commission!
• Turn around time for commissions depends on my schedule, as well as the commission type. If commissions might take longer due to a long queue or my schedule, commissioners will be notified and refunds can be issued at that time.
Average turnaround time is 2-3 weeks
• I am happy to send WIPs to commissioners at any point, and will do so during the process of a commission. If the recipient accepts the WIP, I will continue the commission.
• Don't be afraid to let me know what you do and don't like!
•Once a commission is finished, I can send higher quality versions via email if the recipient asks.
•If edits are requested once a commission is finished, there MAY be an additional fee based on edits needed. Fees based on edits would be discussed with the recipient if needed.
These terms of service are subject to change at any time. Violation of these TOS will result in being blacklisted from commissioning me, abandonment of a commission, and a refund (if applicable).
What will I accept for commissions?
Will do:
•Furry (Anthro/Feral)
•Minor gore/blood
•Candy Gore (Seasonal)
Will NOT do:
•Heavy gore or blood
•Anything promoting hate or violence towards gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, etc.


My prices are subject to change at any time.


Icons are chest/neck up portraits. My icons usually include paws/hands showing in the frame as well.
Headshots: $45
(As of 11/28/23)
Price may vary depending on the complexity of character
(Range of 5-10% increase.)
Expressions can be requested/changed before lineart is completed.
Backgrounds can be requested for a $5 increase, however, if no background is requested, a background like the other art in these examples will be provided.
Higher quality photos and PNGs can be sent via email if requested.

Full Body

Full body commissions depict the entire length of the body. Poses and expressions can be requested before line art is completed.
(As of 11/28/23)
Fully Shaded FB: $70
Price may vary based on complexity of character.
(Can range from 5-10% increase in price)
Backgrounds can be requested for a $5 increase, however, if no background is requested, a background like the other anthros in these examples will be provided.
Higher quality photos and PNGs can be sent via email if requested.

Character Sheets

Character sheets can be offered in two formats:
-One sided
-Two sided
One sided sheets show the front side of the character, with color spots, and the character's name.
Two sided sheets show the front and back angle of the character, with color spots and the character's name.
(As of 11/28/23)
One sided CS: $70
Two Sided CS: $110
Character sheet commissions MUST have a source image to work with. (No descriptions of characters to create.)
Poses are absolute, but personality traits and accessories of characters can be listed on the sheet if requested. Colors for the names are based off of the palette of the character, and can be changed before the final image is sent.
Requested backgrounds are not offered for character sheets.


Badge commissions are headshots turned into laminated badges. Expressions can be requested before line art is completed.
(As of 11/28/23)
Digital Badge: $50
Physical Laminated Badge: $80
Price may vary based on complexity of character.
(Can range from 5-10% increase in price)
Higher quality photos and PNGs can be sent via email if requested.


I can be contacted mainly through DMs on twitter. However, if needed, I can be reached through my instagram DMs, TikTok Dms, or email.